The major focus of The 500 Supporters' Group is to financially support the Ruben Centre - a non-for-profit community based services organisation operated by the Christian Brothers, which provides primary healthcare, education and social support within the Mukuru slum, Nairobi, Kenya.

Ruben - Mukuru Community

The Ruben Centre is situated in the Mukuru kwa Ruben region of eastern Nairobi. The Ruben Slum (also known as the Mukuru community) was born in Nairobi’s Industrial district during the early 1980's. The current population exceeds 700,000 and many families live in corrugated iron shacks measuring 10 x 10 feet. 

Ruben Centre's Mission

To offer quality education, health, financial & social services to children and families in the Mukuru community, Nairobi Kenya

The Ruben Centre provides an oasis for the Mukuru community, particularly the staff and students of the primary school. Over 2,000 meals are prepared onsite daily, which is often the only main meal each child will have for the day - this is a major incentive for parents to educate their children. 


Services at Ruben

Primary & Junior School education where students receive a meal each day.

Maternity Care

Kurt Fearnley Special Needs Centre

Employment Enterprise

Medical Clinic including HIV clinic & counselling services

Vocational Training

Market Garden

Micro-finance trust initiatives & small business support

  • Medical treatment

  • Primary & Junior School education

  • HIV clinic, free antiretroviral treatment for children Social welfare & counselling services

  • Vocational training

  • Market garden

  • Micro-finance trust for unemployed initiatives & small business support

  • Employment enterprise - briquette production - to combat exploitative child labour schemes