2018 AFL Lunch Results
What an excellent day we had at our recent AFL Lunch with Tim & Jobe Watson and the comic cameo from Simon & Justin Madden. The 510 guests who attended the lunch set a new attendance record for our lunches
We are delighted to announce that the record attendance has produced a record result
with over $360,000 being raised at and since the lunch to date.
Including $55,000 raised for the much-needed ambulance at Ruben, the subject of a special appeal made at the lunch by Aidan Jackson, which has now been purchased.
Since the AFL Lunch we have been notified by Frank O'Shea that the new birthing unit has been opened at the Clinic and the first 35 babies have been delivered, including the emergency delivery of a 27 week “premmie”. The baby needed to be transported to hospital for neonatal care, however, there was a 2-hour delay in the arrival of an ambulance which again highlighted the need for the Centre to have its own ambulance available for such emergencies.
We hope that you are as excited by this tremendous result as are Frank O’Shea and his team at the Ruben Centre. They make an extraordinary difference to the lives of so many children and families in the Mukuru community, but they can’t do it alone. They need our support and our funding, and once again it has been forthcoming.